Every diamond has certain distinctive characteristics, just like a fingerprint. The 4Cs are globally accepted standards for assessing the quality of a diamond.
There are four main characteristics to consider when choosing your diamond. The reason these characteristics are called the 4Cs is because the English equivalent of all four of them is the letter C.
- Carat Weight (Carat)
- Color
- Clarity
- Cut
Carat in Diamond
It is the most important feature that determines the value of a diamond. It is also the unit of weight of a diamond. 1 carat = 0.2 grams. Carat indicates the weight of a diamond, not its size. We have diamonds of every carat size in our stocks.
Color in Diamonds
There are 20 colors of diamond from the letter D to the letter Z. D color is the whitest diamond color in nature. As we get closer to Z, we start to see yellow tones in the diamond. H color is the last class of white tones. We have every color in stock.
Color refers to the natural shade of transparent found in diamonds. The closer a diamond is to being "clear," the higher the color and rarer it is. For color grading, it is best to evaluate each stone over several days and with different eyes, and assign a letter grade from "D" (clear) to "Z" (pale yellow).
Clarity in Diamonds
Diamond clarity is a measure of the purity and rarity of a stone and is graded according to how visible these characteristics are under a magnifying glass. A stone is graded as flawless if no marks are visible under a magnifying glass. At Ronaff Diamond, we do not stock any flaws that are visible to the naked eye.
Diamond Cut
The most important of the 4Cs, cut shows how a diamond's facets (lines) interact with light. It is determined by symmetry, proportion and polish. Cut determines the beauty of a stone more than any other factor. Ronaff Diamond has diamonds of every cut in stock.
If a diamond is poorly cut, it will appear dull, even if it has a high color and clarity rating. If a diamond is well cut, it will reflect light to the maximum and sparkle. At Ronaff Diamond, we use the best cut diamonds.