
Clarity (Berraklık) Nedir? - RONAFF PIRLANTA

What is Clarity?

They are natural marks that form during the formation process of a diamond. Each of these marks is different from each other and we can call them the fingerprints of the diamond. The clarity scale is formed according to the size, size, color, shape and location of the marks. Diamond clarity is a measure of the purity and rarity of a stone and is graded according to the visibility of these characteristics under a magnifying glass. A stone is graded as flawless if no markings are visible under a magnifying glass. PIKE: If we start from the bottom, the I...

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Color (Renk) Nedir? - RONAFF PIRLANTA

What is Color?

What is the color scale based on: The International Color Scale, created by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), is a standardized language for discussing diamond color. The GIA, the world's leading name in gemology, created the standardized scale for color and clarity that we use today. They use a judging system to evaluate each gemstone, where each stone is evaluated by at least 5 gemologists who must give a unanimous grade in order to receive GIA certification. The full color scale ranges from D to Z, with D grade diamonds appearing icy white and Z diamonds having a pale...

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Carat (Karat) Nedir? - RONAFF PIRLANTA

What is Carat?

Carat (ct.) refers to a unique unit of weight used to weigh only gemstones and diamonds. Carat weight is often confused with visual size, although it is actually a measure of weight. Depending on the shape and type of gemstone being weighed, the weight will present itself visually differently. For example, a 1.00 ct. round diamond will measure around 6.5 mm, and a 1.00 ct. round sapphire will measure around 6.0 mm. This is due to the varying density of different gemstones. Total carat weight (tcw) is an expression that represents the total weight of all diamonds or other gemstones...

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Pırlanta Sertifikaları Hakkında Bilmeniz Gerekenler - RONAFF PIRLANTA

What You Need to Know About Diamond Certificates

What is a Diamond Certificate? A diamond certificate can be seen as a quality approval document that verifies all the features of a diamond, especially its color, carat, clarity and cut. In addition, the laboratory certificates provided include many detailed examinations such as the exact dimensions of the diamond, its proportions, 4C features, polishing quality, etc. A diamond should not be purchased without a diamond certificate. The institutions that issue the certificates also play an important role here. The world-renowned and non-profit laboratories HRD and GIA are the most reliable certification institutions in this regard. The institution known as HRD...

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